Advanced Document Tracking is a feature of Papermark software that allows users to monitor and track the activities related to their shared documents. It provides detailed insights into document views, downloads, and edits, enabling better collaboration and control over document access and usage.
Papermark's Document Analytics Software provides detailed insights into document usage, engagement, and performance. It tracks user behavior, such as time spent on each page, sections highlighted, and annotations made. This data helps businesses understand how their documents are being utilized and make informed decisions to improve collaboration and productivity.
i was looking for an alternative to docsend for the pitch deck. I finally found a nice product @papermarkio🤘
great work, keep it going! Love your product.
the sheer volume of @papermarkio decks i see these days... hats off.
Currently getting a lot of use out of .@mfts0's "papermark" project! I'm looking to see how he implemented Resend/React Email into his NextAuth stack.
Founders/Investors: If you're sick of DocSend, use PaperMark.
We self-host Papermark at Rubric Labs for doc-sharing. Brilliantly-simple alternative to Docsend. Features are well-executed, so I can't wait to try new stuff!
Papermark team listens to their users and build what they need. Thanks for solving a big pain point.
The reason I love Papermark is because you're building everything I've been looking for, and that Docsend doesn't offer (on a free tier).
best thing is that all the save DocSend to PDF plugins that VCs use probably won't work 😁